Pen and Paper

Updated: December 10, 2021 Reading Time: 1 minutes stage: complete

Sometimes it's just that simple.

We've grown so used to artificialities that we forget simple yet powerful physical tools stills exist.

It happened to me today.

After a full day working on my computer—I'm a programmer so it's hard to spend time away from it—I had to write my atomic essay of the day. Number 17.

But my mind was blank.

A full day starting at a screen had taken its toll.

I felt desperate.

"I can't just quit on day 17"—I thought.

I gave myself some more time only to keep staring at a blank screen.

I decided to take a break and wandered around my living/office room.

And then I saw it.

My notebook was laying on the edge of my desk all but forgotten.

I picked it up. Scrolled through pages filled with sketches and random notes.

Suddenly I felt inspired. I grabbed a pen.

In no time the words you are reading this moment started flowing without trouble.

Mind and pen worked in unison. I watched from a distance, astonished.

Sometimes, it's really just that simple.

A change of tools. A change of perspective.

Nothing beats pen and paper when it comes to writing.